Saturday, May 15, 2010

Passion of Soccer

What can I say really, it is simple; I am a passionate sports fan who craves for the start of the hockey and soccer season to begin in October. Unfortunately, I have to endure baseball season first. Only worse than sitting in the blistering heat and dry humidity of summer, is the constant banterttering of baseball fans and mind- numbing replays of baseball. Enduring this painful display of “sport” is beyond suffering, Bbut it is all worth the wait for the glorious month of October to come around when the first puck to drops and the first kick- off to happens. Life can’t get more exciting than the arrival of the biggest and most prestige tournament ever to grace the presents of the earth: The World Cup. A time when the hidden cultures come out and the diehard fans, passion of the sport and country rise up from the streets to celebrate. It is an occasion that can only be experienced every 4 years; you can have rivals watch the game together;, friendly bets happen take place; and the cities comes alive with banners flying up above; music, people marching and champagne are on the streets. Now imagine this, your country winning the world cup, people flood to every inch of pavement available and this excitement? is the causes of: businesses to close;, cars, buses, and police cars to stand still in the streets – all because , simply stuck in the middle caused by the eruption of excitement by your national team winning the beloved and most prized trophy. Many who are reading this and thinking “this can’t happen in my city?” Well, I would love to tell you this but it already did, closing blocks of Vancouver’s “little Italy” for 5 hours, and it was the best 5 hour street party EVER. The greatest thing about soccer is, every 2 years after the world cup we have Euro Cup, the greatest part about this wonderful tournament, the party continues from the World Cup. Now watching these games (world cup and euro) at a cafĂ© with other fans, it will change your whole perspective about the sport.

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