Saturday, April 24, 2010

Top 5 Sport Ad's

Number 5

This is quite clever for a bag advertisement; it definitely attracts attention and will make people look twice when they see this bag.

Number 4

With the poster over the urinal it only makes sense to have a game in the urinal, right? For us soccer fans out there, we would go to the bathroom all the time just to play. ESPN is definitely reaching their target market by putting these in, soccer stadiums, pubs, and other various lactations, not only are they targeting men but also the sports fans.

Number 3

When you buy your Nike soccer cleats, it only makes sense to show your boots in the game before you buy them.

Number 2

This is a great AD, not only does it look realistic but it will only make people want to go up and close to check it out, and when you’re driving buy it really does look like someone ran through the glass.

Number 1

The AD reads “The fastest server generates over 560 Newtons. Enough force to propel a human skywards. Experience the best tennis at the Tennis Masters Cup 2006.” Not only does this AD show a guy in a green suit jumping on a trampoline in a shape of a racket, but it draw attention to it.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Goal? or No Goal?

You be the judge, would you call it a goal or no goal?

After you watch the video; watch CBC's review and discussion about the apparent "No" Goal


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who is the Worlds Best Soccer Player?

Best Soccer Player Ever?

Diego Maradona? Pele? Zico? Zinadine Zidane? Ronaldo? Ronaldhino? These are all legends of the past and have proven their worthiness, by winning world cups, players of the year and many more awards that have showcased the legitimacy of the titles given to them.

New fields of players have emerged to challenge as “best player ever”; Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka, Fabregas, Steven Gerrard, Eto, or Torres; all these players are prime candidates for the top honors of “best player ever”. There is one player that stands out amongst the rest; with a frame of 5’7ft, and weight of 148 lbs, he may be the smallest player on the field, but plays like a giant. At 22 years of age (June 24 1987) he is already is considered the best player to ever play the game. He sparkles on the field as Maradona once did; dazzle is added to place him a step ahead of the Legendary Argentinean player, and a god like figure to Brazilian Pele.

Messi had appeared in 138 games for Barcelona, in those games tallied 83 goals. Statistically he is on pace to beat Maradona and Pele. Gaining the respect and power of the world soccer fans and critics, has been a challenge for lots of players and it usually takes quite some time, but in his short career he has already done so.

Whenever Messi or “The Lion” as known by the world, steps on the field he has never failed to disappoint. The touch and finesse he possesses on the field is magic. The most amazing and mesmerizing action which takes place on the field, seems so easy to the human eye; can only be done by a few but succeeded by so little. Messi is the few that can do so much, which is made easy; he has yet to fail but already has proven so much. Already winner of the 2008-2009 World Player of the Year award, he is yet again a front runner to repeat; only a small few players have been repeat winners: Zidane, Ronaldo and Ronaldhino, but none have done it at such a young age. I believe we are witnessing something amazing with Lionel Messi.

Top 5 Richest Athlete's


Number 5:

David Beckham

With ONLY $42 million US per annum, Becks too many of peoples surprises is only number 5 on the list. Beckham is famous for appearing in many ads some of them are, Armani, Pepsi, Adidas and others; during the year he plays on two soccer teams, the Los Angeles Galaxy and AC Milan in Italy.

Number 2 (Tie)

Kimi Raikkonen

Formula One’s highest paid racer this year at $45 million US a year, he is racing with Ferrari and his salary strictly comes from racing and the Ferrari team. It is only a year contract; this came after his winning performance in 2007, but has been a disappointment since.

Number 2 (Tie)

Michael Jordan

A retired NBA legend; who is considered one of the best players to play the game, cashes in $45 million US yearly. His income comes from his empire which he built as a player; the Michael Jordan brand started with shoes and now does clothing and fragrances, the Michael Jordan brand is reaching $1 billion in sales this year. He is a six time champion and five time league MVP.

Number 2 (Tie)

Kobe Bryant

With the top selling jersey in North America, China and Europe, Kobe makes $45 million US yearly; with jersey sale and his contract with the Lakers. With the LA Lakers, he won four NBA titles and numerous of prestigious awards with in the NBA. Some of his sponsors include, Nike, Upper Deck, Activision and Vitamin Water.

Number 1

Ok everyone lets guess on who is going to be number one, can it be Michael Schumacher? Roger Feder?, Nadal?, or Ronaldo? The list can go on and on, but here it is, you ready? It is…..

Tiger Woods

The best golfer ever to play the game is the world’s richest athlete, with $110 million US a year he should be the richest. He has over $900 million of prize money, endorsements, and appearance fees; he is expected to be the first athlete ever to earn $1 billion US just from his career. His major sponsors are, Gillette, Nike, Accenture and others, as well he designs golf courses for of course a huge fee.